Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The year is coming to an end!

Another year gone past with lots to think about in the years to come. Adding another to "In my days..." stories for our children and children's children to listen to. Did we learn something from this year? I'm not sure. All I can say is that there have been theories and theories on those theories which no one has been able to prove right. Or wrong, to come to that. Is the world really going to end in the near future? No one can tell. Infact this has been a prediction from times gone by.

I was reading this book about Marie Antoinette the other day...Ok not reading, but listening to the audiobook. I know...whatever happenned to good ol' book and the enjoyment in reading one. blah blah blah! But hey, with two kids under 4 out of which one is barely 10 mths old who has the time to sit down and relish one. Anyway, as I was saying somewhere in the book the priest says that the end is nearing, that was in the eighteenth century. Well nearing or not, the Inca's calendar and the movie '2012' has gotten everyone to think "Is it really!" The Mayan calendar has many interpretations one of which is that there is going to be a "Revival" of sorts. As for the the looks of the trailer I think it's like thinking about your worst nightmare while riding on the most scariest ride in an amusement park. Not sure what will kill you first.


Shefali said...

Hey, how do I follow you? No link for that...Subscribe maybe?

Sid Chitnis said...

Inca? Wasn't it the Mayan calendar?

cre80vt said...

Thanks for the save, Sid. I meant Mayan but I wrote Inca. :-D